Professional Qualifications

Master 7’s original name is Tashilamo Dolma.  She is the founder of Malaysia’s Seven Star School of spiritualism.  

When Master 7 was in Malaysia, she went with her family to a Malaysian temple to worship Buddha.  The Chief Monk of the temple said: “This child is very spiritual talented, she has a mission from Heaven,  her past life was ….., and that she will have to help people to achieve betterment in their lives in the future…

Since then, Master 7 started going to the temple to listen and learn extensively about Buddhist teachings and Buddhist scriptures…

Afterwards, her family emigrated to other foreign countries, and Master 7 encountered a Tantra in a foreign country. Rinpoche also said to her: “You have a pre-destined mission from the Heaven and that you should retreat somewhere to practice…Under the arrangement of Rinpoche, Master 7 went to long-term retreat practice in India and Nepal.

In order to facilitate the conversion of sentient beings, Master 7 integrated herself into society to establish a friendly image to the mass, bringing joy and positive energy to everyone. Behind all this, Master 7 has gone through countless tribulations and learned many mantra, sorcery and spiritual rituals from her masters with a view to equip herself to help her followers, from different parts of the world, to resolve their issues. 

Master 7 studied Western energy Fengshui and Western magic and body and soul spirituality courses etc. in Croatia and Scotland.  She also learned how to draw talisman in Longhu Mountain, learned Maoshan and Liuren in Taiwan, and Seven Stars Magical Spell in Malaysia … and so on.

Master 7 has the combined forte of different schools of spiritualism.  Sometimes, she uses a combination of Chinese and Western methods to solve countless “difficult cases”.  She also successfully converts people’s faith and guides them towards practicing good deeds in helping others. 

Master 7, who has the “wisdom root” of Buddhism since childhood, is the favorite disciple of numerous famous Masters (monks).  She also received the true teaching from the Dharma King.

Master 7 majored in journalism in her bachelor studies, attained a master’s degree in business administration, and a doctoral degree in psychology and religion.  Master 7 has a doctorate degree and other qualifications in naturopathic, acupuncture and moxibustion treatment.

Each year, Master 7 spends one-third of her time practicing in India and Nepal, one-third of her time living abroad, and one-third of her time helping believers in Hong Kong.

Master 7 has the proficient knowledge in both the western and Chinese metaphysics, she is well versed in different schools of Feng Shui, energy channeling etc.  She enjoys a high reputation in the Feng Shui industry. In 2022, she was awarded the Asia’s Most Popular Feng Shui Master Award.   She is also the only Feng Shui master in Asia who receives this honor.

In addition, Master 7 takes the responsibility of doing good deeds to help others as her own mission.  She is dedicated to helping believers to be relieved from disasters and difficulties and establish good relationships with various sectors of society. Over the years, her professional knowledge and proven successful cases in her metaphysical practices have deeply penetrated the hearts of the people.  Master 7 is widely acknowledged and respected by her followers and the Feng Shui industry.