Hello everyone! I am Master 7, 

The Buddha said: “Each family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and everyone has a difficult road to walk.” Are you negatively overwhelmed by problems in your life right now?

Life is short, everyone has different issues, such as nothing goes right, career obstacles, business stagnation, investment failure, spousal extramarital affairs, children disobedience, legal disputes, lack of love life, big problems with health and income, unborn babies, and deceased pets’ blessings, etc.

Or, you only want your luck to be enhanced through the use of Feng Shui, spiritual display, name change, choice of auspicious dates, checking your fate for the year, numerology and improving your own destiny etc. in order to improve your own life in the aspects of love, health, finance, career, business and relationship etc. 

In order to help each of our clients to get rid of all their stumbling blocks with a view to lead a better life, our Center provide various services, spiritual rituals and sacred objects to help them which includes the following favorable discounts:

Our free enquiries include:  

Check things for free, check your luck for the year, choose auspicious dates free, Feng Shui checking for your home, talisman water, recharge of energy services, free past life transgression, 24 hours via WhatsApp.  Book appointment 92930994, you are welcome to visit our Center.

Thank you for your support, Master loves you!

Why Master 7

Some people wonder why there are so many followers queuing up  to consult Master 7 for help 24 hours a day. Here are seven reasons:

1. Her fee has always been low, even after Master 7 rose to fame, she did not increase her price.

2. Many people know that you need to find a Feng Shui Master who is lucky to read your fortune. How can an unlucky master give you luck when she is unlucky herself?

3. Master 7 is proficient in several schools of Feng Shui. She has successfully arranged many good Feng Shui settings in her own home, and they have all achieved great results. It only makes sense to use a Feng Shui Master who can bring luck to herself first. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right Feng Shui Master.

4. Master 7 is very good at exorcising evil spirits, through her wonderous use of both the Chinese and Western spiritual means. Many customers seek Master 7’s help and she managed to successfully solve their thorny problems which could not be solved by other masters.

5. Master 7 is a sincere, kind, and honest spiritual practitioner, who has been practicing good deeds for a long time. She is caring, patient, and reliable.

6. Master 7 is highly educated. She has a doctorate degree, profound knowledge, and good word-of-mouth. She enjoys a solid foundation and a good reputation for her spiritual works. After her Feng Shui checking, she can improve the luck of all aspects of her customers.

7. Master 7 has been pursuing spiritual retreats in India, Nepal, and other places for a long time. She has been trained to the point where she can detect the aura of your home remotely.

Because Master 7 is too pre-occupied with work, she cannot come to check Feng Shui one by one, but she wants to help others, so she simply provides Feng Shui House checking for free in the following manner. 

To sign up to for Feng Shui services, you can first come to our Center and ask the gods if there is any problem with your house.  If there is no problem, there is no need to waste time and money to carry out the Feng Shui checking. Master 7 will teach you how to change the air frequency at your home for free.  Once the Chi is enhanced, the frequency at your home will also be improved.


Thank you for your enthusiastic support. Since the establishment of the “Master 7 Positive Energy Center” in Sham Shui Po in 2013, with increasing number of successful cases, good reputations are established. In order to meet the ever-growing needs of followers, Master 7 opened a second, wider and larger Buddhist Hall near Prince Edward MTR Station in 2023, to serve the needs of her followers.

Master 7 has helped many followers and have received many thank you letters from them. You can find some testimonies on Master 7’s Facebook.

The following are a few excerpts of successful testimonies from our customers. To protect the privacy of these followers, it is not convenient to disclose their real names.

Hello Master, since I asked for your help in November, you have performed some rituals to enhance my finance and career. In December, not only that my income is on target, but it also exceeded my targeted amount.

Thank you Master for helping me, I would like to write this text specifically to
express my thanks to you.
Master 7, good morning! I am extremely thankful for your effective replenishment rituals. This morning, I have finally managed to sell the spray box (limited version) online.
Hello, Master. My property has been successfully rented out, and I have also successfully passed the driving license test, thank you.
Let me know when the water wheel arrives.
Good morning, Master! My property was sold yesterday, thank you very much for your help and the help of all angels, this is so amazing! I finished the “Clothes Burning” and “Peacock Release” rituals on Sunday.
Hello, Master 7. I would like to tell you that after the “Pagoda Circumambulation” ritual, my manager was suddenly promoted. As a result, my boss told me that he will promote me! I thought that I had no chance this year, this is a piece of good news for me.
Hello master. I wish you a happy new year with good health and success. Thanks God that I got a stable job this year. Although I must still pass the two-year probationary period, this is a good job. May I ask which days, during the months of February and March, that the Buddhist Hall is opened for worship and spiritual rituals? Thanks!
Master 7, I went to your Sham Shui Po Center for your spiritual services. As a result, I have recovered from my bad cough. I am grateful for the help of the Gods and everyone in your Center.